StarVista’s Transitional Youth Services (TYS) provides housing assistance and case management services to youth ages 18-24. The program supports the successful transition to independence for youth that have aged-out of the foster care or juvenile probation systems. TYS consists of two main components: THP-Plus (Transitional Housing Placement Plus) and Aftercare.
The THP Plus Program provides three housing options: Single Site, Host Site, and Scattered Site.
Single Site: In this option, youth live in a triplex and are expected to meet program agreements and attend a weekly group.
Host Site: In this option, youth live with a supportive adult such as a mentor, relative, coach, or former foster parent.
Scattered Site: In this option, youth rent their own room or apartment. Youth must have an adequate income and demonstrate advanced independent living skills.
In all three housing options, youth receive financial support and must meet with a case manager at least twice per month. Youth are required to engage in at least 30 hours of productive activity per week (i.e. school, work, counseling, etc.).