A Message from Our CEO
May 2024
Dear friends,
I hope this email finds you in good health.
I want to say a very special thank you to everyone who attended Mental Health Matters 2024 with us at Ryder Park in San Mateo. Our annual 5K Run/Walk and Wellness Fair brought in over 550 people of all ages for a day of wellness, honoring Mental Health Awareness Month. Thank you to our partners, San Mateo PAL and Stride for Awareness, for helping spread awareness about mental health support in San Mateo County. I’d also like to thank our event Sponsors and Donors for your support in making this event possible. We cannot wait to host the event again in May 2025! You can read the event recap on our website here.
I look forward to seeing you and everyone from the event at our next big event, Changing Lives 2024: Unity through Community, taking place on October 17. Changing Lives is StarVista’s once-a-year fundraising event that celebrates our collective impact on the health and wellness of San Mateo County residents. Enjoy live music, stories of inspiration, networking, and delicious food at The Farallon Room at Skyline College.
You can RSVP for the event here.
Our San Mateo County Pride Center program is fundraising for its center on National Give OUT Day tomorrow, May 30. Give OUT Day is the only national giving event for the LGBTQ community hosted by Horizons Foundation. You can support our program’s high-impact LGBTQ+ health and wellness services on their official Give OUT Day page here. We are excited to also celebrate Pride Month this June, with our program participating in the San Mateo County Pride Celebration. We will also be hosting a variety of activities, which you can find here.
In honor of our commitment to mental health and wellness, I would like to share that our Community Wellness and Crisis Response Team continues to grow in coordination with San Mateo County law enforcement. The San Mateo Daily Journal recently captured our progress, starting with the expansion in San Mateo. You can read the article here.
Warm regards,
Sara Larios Mitchell, Ph.D., MACP