Delivering no-cost mental health assessments, counseling, and supportive services to students, parents, and teachers connected to elementary, middle, and high schools in San Mateo County.

12 Schools

40 Schools

- Individual & Group Counseling
- Prevention
- SEL lessons/interventions

- Support including Meetings, Phone Calls, & Events

- Consultations to support student well-being
- SEL support
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) helps students and teachers learn to manage emotions, maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. SEL is shown to improve students’ academic achievement, behavior, attitudes, and ability to learn.
OUR TEAM of 36 counselors
and case managers includes:
We value ✓Equity ✓Integrity ✓Inclusion
OUR IMPACT in the past 2 years…

4,329 students received services.
3,366 phone calls and meetings were provided to parents.
145 parents discussed student wellness topics at community Parent Nights.
6,294 consultations were provided to school staff.
“StarVista plays a critical role throughout our district, transforming potentially catastrophic situations, from a punitive moment to a healing and transformative moment. Many lives are restored through their work.”
– Margaret Lavin, Former Director of Student Services, Redwood City School District
StarVista’s School-Based Programs are “very forward thinking and flexible because no two students and no two schools are the same, we have made it our priority to adapt services to whatever each school community needs”
– Dr. Hazel Benigno, StarVista Program Director, School Based Counseling Services and Strengthen Our Youth (SOY)